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How to Continue a Conversation on Bumble

On Bumble, a guy doesn't need to break the ice. If their profile is up to snuff, then she will take the plunge. But, when the chat's gone quiet, that's when the real problem begins. The question is, what should you do if Bumble conversations go nowhere?

Here, you will see exactly what it takes to pick things up where they left off. Especially when talking to a potential date.

What to do When Bumble Conversations Go Nowhere

How Do You Revive a Dead Bumble Conversation?

When Bumble conversations go nowhere, people usually unmatch after a couple of exchanges. Then, they try their luck with the next person. If you want a more subtle method to rekindle the conversation, then you can say the following. "All right, I would like to get to know you, but you seem busy. Maybe you would like to pick a better time to chat?"

How Do You Revive a Dead Bumble Conversation?

When a Bumble conversation not going anywhere, then you would be asking all the questions without getting anything in return. Like the example above. In cases such as these, here is something else you could say. "Feels like I'm doing all the work. Want to ask something about me?" People keep an active conversation with a good communicator. But, if it's not working out, you can always call it quits.

For more info on how to talk to people, this article can help.

How Do You Keep a Conversation Going in Bumble?

Many users want to know why do guys stop messaging onBumble? To find the answer, check out my guide here. But to keep a Bumble conversation from dying, take a cue from their profile. It can be something as simple as noticing that they like board games or are fans of the same movie you like. Anything personal that shows interest is a great way to keep the conversation active. Take a look at the example below.

How Do You Keep a Conversation Going in Bumble?

Here, they share their love for animals. Having a similar interest or experience makes the conversation go a lot smoother. These couple of lines are not superficial. They add flow to the chat and show that you have similar interests. That's how the Bumble conversation dying will be the least of your worries. Here is how to text old Tinder matches.

Another thing to have in mind is how fast you reply. Let's say you've matched with someone and they write to you. Try to send a message as soon as you can. You start talking to them while they are still online, meaning you have a bigger window for success. The longer you postpone answering, the sooner they lose interest.

Want to know how to ask for their number? Check this article out.

Why Do Bumble Conversations Die?

The biggest reason Bumble conversations go nowhere is that you haven't had a game plan. There isn't either chemistry between the two of you, or the other side has trouble keeping up the conversation. So, what to do when a conversation is going nowhere – simply look for another match.

Why Do Bumble Conversations Die?

Instead of trying to carry the conversation all by yourself, like the example above, you can look for another one. Here is why the conversation is going nowhere. If you still want to give it your best shot, then use enticing sentences. Humor adds confidence, value, and engagement. It can save a conversation if the other side is willing to reach out as well. But, when they are too reserved, then it's ultimately your call if you want to keep chatting.

Why Do Bumble Conversations Die?

In this example, the two sides are eager to joke and chat. It has an easy flow, making it a worthwhile investment. Basically, when an online dating conversation goes nowhere, you want to ask them questions. Anything from where did you go, what did you do, or have you heard of this can help the two of you get closer. Keep asking questions so they won't "get busy."

If you are still wondering, "why do I get no responses on Bumble," then she/he might not be interested. When you ask them questions, make sure they are not a yes or no answer. Whether it is to talk about travel, politics, movies, or free time. Take a look at the example below.

Why Do Bumble Conversations Die?

Imagine seeing a den of rattlesnakes. It is definitely a conversation starter that's out of the ordinary. So, the key is simple. Don't be reluctant to show yourself. It's about taking chances and constantly changing the flow of the conversation. Eventually, you can start chatting with someone who shares your passions and ultimately forms that connection. Fix your bio to get them to talk to you.

Here are some creative bio ideas you can use.

How Do You Rekindle a Bumble Conversation?

A lot of people feel stressed or anxious when their Bumble conversations go nowhere. But, instead of jumping back and forth with texts like "hello" or "how are you doing," you should get a little more creative. Here are a couple of sentences you can use. They can help you figure out how to restart a conversation on Bumble and keep it going. Such as:

  • "In your group of friends, what are you known for?"
  • "Which one do you prefer, the sun or the rain?"
  • "If you could pick one comfort food in the whole world, which one would it be?"
  • "What's your perfect Sunday night?"
  • "What did you want to do as a kid?"
  • "What's the most bizarre skill/talent you have?"
  • "Very important. Think carefully. Which is your first Pokemon?"

The key to getting the questions right is to read their bio. Check out their interests, ideas, and goals so that you can tailor the conversation to their unique character. Remember, don't worry too much when chatting. It's normal to have some awkwardness when starting a conversation.

You want a partner, not a pen pal. So, be sure to keep the conversation focused on them and try to talk about yourself too. To do that, don't look at the other side as a simple one-night stand. They, too, have their goals, ideas, and interests that might align with yours. The idea is to get to know each other better before you agree to a face-to-face date. So, even if the Bumble conversation died, you still did your best.

What Do You Do When Your Bumble Conversation Dies?

The fact is, people are finding a ton of new matches on a regular basis. The worst part is, when they ask you what you do for fun, and you can't make up anything interesting, that's when the chat hits a brick wall. Because you might be spending a ton of hours napping, binge-watching series, or TikTok videos, you don't know what to say. So, if your Bumble conversation is not going anywhere, then try to be unique.

Why Do Bumble Conversations Die?

Here, the person is using a corny line just to get attention. And it works like a charm. That's because it is creative, fun, and has its own spark. You can also say something funny just to get them to reply. Like, "Wow, you are investing over 2.5 seconds in this conversation. This is getting serious." It's a fun way of showing that you want them to reply.

One of the most typical mistakes that send the conversation to the gutter is when you move too quickly. People who like to hook up don't mind this approach. But, when you are looking to build a relationship, don't sexualize the conversation.

Why Do Bumble Conversations Die?

In this example, the first message is head-on. It gets the point across, and the other side just goes with the flow. But, if it doesn't make the cut, then you can complement their interests, ideas, or anything they mentioned in their bio. Here is how to write your own Bumble bio that can help you find a like-minded match. This makes for a solid conversation booster and helps you to get to know that person.


There is no right or wrong answer when it comes to chatting with people on Bumble. It all comes down to their unique taste, ideas, and goals in life. If you want a relationship and to avoid the conversation from going nowhere, then keep asking questions.

To get the most out of your conversations, check out my dating app texting messaging services. I'll show you how to turn your texts into actual dates.

And if you're looking to revamp your dating app bio or profile, I can help as well. Chat soon 🙂
