Shin Chan Rain Rain Come Again Episodes
Crayon Shin-chan (Japanese: クレヨンしんちゃん, Hepburn: Kureyon Shin-chan ), also known as Shin Chan , is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Yoshito Usui. This follows the adventures of the five-year-old Shinnosuke "Shin" Nohara and his parents, baby sister, dog, neighbours, and friends and is set in Kasukabe, Saitama Prefecture of Japan.
An anime adaptation of the series began airing on TV Asahi in 1992 and is still ongoing on several television networks, worldwide. The show has now been dubbed in 30 languages[1] which aired in 45 countries.[2]
As of January 2022, 1113 episodes of the television series have been broadcast.
Episodes 1–422 [edit]
Episodes 423–755 [edit]
Episodes 756–onwards [edit]
English dub episodes [edit]
Vitello dub [edit]
This is a list of episodes dubbed in English by Vitello Productions in 2002. 52 23-minute episodes (156 5 to 7-minute segments) were dubbed by Vitello. Episodes with segments out of their original Japanese order are indicated by an additional segment number.
English episode no. | Japanese episode no. | Name in English Japanese (Kanji) |
1 | 95 | "Playing House" 組長とままごとだゾ |
"Mom Wants to Drive" 母ちゃんは運転免許がないゾ | ||
"Mom Takes Driving Lessons" 運転免許の教習だゾ | ||
2 | 68 | "Mom's Getting Fat" 母ちゃんのダイエットだゾ |
"I'm a Kiddie Commando" アスレチックするゾ | ||
"Dad Lost His Eyebrows" 父ちゃんのマユゲがないゾ | ||
3 | 61 | "P.J. Party with Miss Dori" よしなが先生の私生活だゾ |
"I Meet a Hishi" 最後のセールスレディだゾ | ||
"Mom Wants an Air Conditioner" エアコンを買うゾ | ||
4 | 81 | "I Go Skiing" スキーバス旅行だゾ |
"Fun at the Ski Lodge" アフタースキーだゾ | ||
"Dopes at the Slopes" 家族でスキーだゾ | ||
5 | 96 | "Me Want Cookie" 高級お菓子が食べたいゾ |
"My Date with Miss Uma" まつざか先生はお疲れだゾ | ||
"Mom Runs Away" 母ちゃんの家出だゾ | ||
6 | 87c | "We're Getting a Divorce?!" 野原家のリコンだゾ |
87a | "Play Ball (Part One)" ソフトボール大会だゾ その1 | |
87b | "Play Ball (Part Two)" ソフトボール大会だゾ その2 | |
7 | 140 | "I Get Recycled" チリ紙交換するゾ |
"Mom Killed the TV" テレビをこわしたゾ | ||
"Lucky Gets Lucky" シロとぬいぐるみだゾ | ||
8 | 58 | "Fun with Balloons" 風船をふくらますゾ |
"I Found a Wallet" おサイフを拾ったゾ | ||
"I Go to the City" じいちゃんと東京見物だゾ | ||
9 | 185 | "We Go on Vacation" オラ達家族で北海道へ行くゾ |
"Vacation Fun" 北海道を食べちゃうゾ | ||
"Dad Has a Breakdown" レンタカーがこわれたゾ | ||
10 | 146 | "A Dad-Free Night" 父ちゃんがいない夜だゾ |
"I Hit a Homer" 野球するのも大変だゾ | ||
"I Clean Up" プッツンしちゃうゾ | ||
11 | 115 | "Let's Go Fishing" お船でつりをするゾ |
"Smarty Pants Marti" 天才少女と対決だゾ | ||
"Driving with Mom" お車でお迎えするゾ | ||
12 | 153 | "I Make a Man Outta Max" ナンパの道はきびしいゾ |
"Mom and Dad's Big Night" 食あたりはつらいゾ | ||
"I Go to the Hospital" 病院にお泊まりだゾ | ||
13 | 154 | "A Visit from Grandpa" じいちゃんの家出だゾ |
"I Go to Girl-Zoo" 女子大は楽しいゾ | ||
"Grandpa Won't Leave" じいちゃんは人騒がせだゾ | ||
14 | 111 | "An Errand to the Post Office" 郵便局におつかいだゾ |
"Going to a Haunted House" おばけ屋敷に入るゾ | ||
"Mom Goes on Strike" 母ちゃんのストライキだゾ | ||
15 | 167c | "Who's Eisenhower?" シロの愛情物語だゾ |
167b | "Dad's Secret Admirer" 冬じたくをするゾ | |
167a | "Leaf Me Alone" 枯れ葉のソージだゾ | |
16 | 183 | "The Late Great Me" チコクの新記録だゾ |
"Mom's a Shopaholic" 通販はクセになるゾ | ||
"I Can't Sleep" 平和な眠りだゾ | ||
17 | 229c | "Me and the Comic Book Guy" 有名マンガ家のタントーだゾ |
229b | "Cosmo the Germinator" セイケツ好きの風間くんだゾ | |
229a | "Dad Goes Jogging" 父ちゃんのジョギングだゾ | |
18 | 102 | "Playing Around with Dad" 父ちゃんと遊んでやるゾ |
"I'm Going Hiking" 山のぼりはつらいゾ | ||
"Fun with Food" 食品売り場は楽しいゾ | ||
19 | 141c | "Someone's Got a Boyfriend" 恋のヨカンがするゾ |
141b | "I Get My Own Room" オラの部屋が欲しいゾ | |
141a | "Dad Breaks a Promise" ドライブに行きたいゾ | |
20 | 197 | "I Climb a Mountain" 遠足で山に登るゾ |
"I'm Mountain Meat" 山でソーナンしちゃったゾ | ||
"Survival of the Fattest" みんなでサバイバルするゾ | ||
21 | 121 | "Mom Has a New Dress" アイスクリームで事件だゾ |
"Bye Bye Cosmo" 風間君とお別れだゾ | ||
"Mom Leaves Me on the Subway" 忘れられたオラだゾ | ||
22 | 193 | "Mom's Gotta Barf" 母ちゃんはにんしん3カ月だゾ |
"My Cool Collection" オラのコレクションだゾ | ||
"I Love Nasty Books" 立ち読みはやめられないゾ | ||
23 | 139 | "I'm on Spring Break" 春の朝はのどかだゾ |
"Lucky Feels Yucky" シロがお病気だゾ | ||
"Let's Have a Picnic" お花見で盛りあがるゾ | ||
24 | 194 | "I Jump-Start the Baby" 胎教にご協力するゾ |
"Cosmo's in Love" 風間君が恋しちゃったゾ | ||
"I'm a Love Doctor" 恋する風間君をお助けするゾ | ||
25 | 196 | "I Want a New Mom" 新しいママを作ったゾ |
"Playin' in the Pool" プールで玉さがしだゾ | ||
"It's Pregnant Mom Month" 妊しん母ちゃんを大切にするゾ | ||
26 | 168 | "Playing Tag" ボーちゃんと鬼ごっこだゾ |
"I Go on a Date" デートについてくゾ | ||
"My Date with Ricky" デートをもりあげるゾ | ||
27 | 202 | "The Story of Shinocchio" 世界迷作しんのキオだゾ |
"Gimme Back My Ball" ボールをとりもどすゾ | ||
"I'm Mom's Bodyguard" 母ちゃんのボディーガードをするゾ | ||
28 | 122 | "Mom Takes a Nap" お昼寝するのも大変だゾ |
"I Get Free Lunch" ゴーカにしゃぶしゃぶだゾ | ||
"Dad's Close Shave" 父ちゃんと散髪だゾ | ||
29 | 206 | "Check Out My Baby" ひまわりをご紹介するゾ |
"A Picnic with Miss Bono" おねいさんとピクニックだゾ | ||
"Fun with the Godfather" 園長先生の家庭訪問だゾ | ||
30 | 203 | "The Baby Comes Home" 赤ちゃんのお帰りだゾ |
"Hanging' Out with the New Baby" 赤ちゃんをあやすゾ | ||
"I'm Tired" 眠くて眠くて眠たい一日だゾ | ||
31 | 124a | "Miss Uma's Day Off" 松坂先生の休日だゾ |
124c | "Mom Lost Her Key" おうちに入れないゾ | |
124b | "I Swap Moms" ネネちゃんちの子になるゾ | |
32 | 131c | "I Help Dad Shovel Snow" 雪かきは楽しいゾ |
131b | "Lady Wrestlers Rock" 女子プロレスのファンだゾ | |
131a | "I Get a Love Letter" おデートをするゾ | |
33 | 199 | "Am I Getting a Brother or What" 赤ちゃんは男か女だゾ |
"I Help Out the Comic Book Guy" 有名マンガ家のアシスタントだゾ | ||
"Dad's Stuck with Me" 父ちゃんと公園で遊ぶゾ | ||
34 | 200 | "Dad's Got a Girlfriend" 父ちゃんがラブレターもらったゾ |
"Mom Finds Out" ラブレターで災難だゾ | ||
"Debut in the Park" 公園デビューにつきあうゾ | ||
35 | 251 | "Daisy Gets Buzzed" 酔っぱらった?ひまわりだゾ |
"The 3-eyed Dog" キョーフの三つ目犬だゾ | ||
"Who Needs Sleep?" ネムケと戦う父ちゃんだゾ | ||
36 | 231 | "Dad's Last Resort" 父ちゃんのフロク作りだゾ |
"Cosmo Trusts Me" 風間君はオラを信じてるゾ | ||
"Salesman Shin" 実演販売はオラにおまかせだゾ | ||
37 | 249 | "Max Lost His Snack Money" 遠足のおやつを買うゾ |
"A Trip to the River" きょうは楽しい遠足だゾ | ||
"I Get Lost Again" 遠足でまたまた迷子になったゾ | ||
38 | 222c | "The Godfather Glasses" 勇気の出るサングラスだゾ |
222b | "Uma the Cat-Lover" ネコのお世話も大変だゾ | |
222a | "Where's My Sister, Mister?" ひまわりが消えちゃったゾ | |
39 | 250 | "The Lovebirds Are Fighting" ミッチーヨシリンのケンカだゾ |
"Home Alone" ひとりでのんびりお留守番だゾ | ||
"We Sleep in the Hallway" 玄関ぐらしも快適だゾ | ||
40 | 219 | "Early Valentine's Day" 野原一家のバレンタインだゾ |
"Little Bigboss Plays Golf" サラリーマンしんのすけゴルフで遊んじゃうゾ | ||
"Miss Uma's Valentine" まつざか先生のバレンタイン勝負だゾ | ||
41 | 201 | "Aunt Minnie Comes to Visit" マサエおばさんがまた来たゾ |
"The Godfather Is a Cradle Snatcher" 恋するオトメのミホちゃんだゾ | ||
"We Drill for the Baby" 出産のリハーサルをするゾ | ||
42 | 216c | "I'm the Boss" サラリーマンしんのすけ出張に行くゾ |
216a | "Hey, Remember Me?" ビデオの主役はオラだゾ | |
216b | "Nobody Loves Me" お兄ちゃんだって甘えたいゾ | |
43 | 255 | "The Blowfish Bonus" ボーナスで少しゼイタクするゾ |
"Fugu Whogu?" 初めてフグを食べちゃうゾ | ||
"Shin vs the Kung Fu Kid" さすらいのドラゴンと対決だゾ | ||
44 | 230 | "Mom Gets Malled" ひまわりと一緒にお買物だゾ |
"Daisy Drives Me Crazy" ひまわりの相手はつかれるゾ | ||
"Fun at Skunky's" ファミリーレストランに行くゾ | ||
45 | 243 | "I Make a Treasure Map" オラの作った宝の地図だゾ |
"I Make Miss Dori Sick" かすかべ防衛隊の恩返しだゾ | ||
"We're Coolie-Oolie" オラの家にクーラーが付いたゾ | ||
46 | 198 | "I Get Some Class" お上品はキュークツだゾ |
"The Tortoise and the Hare-Bags" ウサギとしんちゃん亀の競争だゾ | ||
"The Kahzu Kamakazes Hit the Pool" プールでバイトの紅さそり隊だゾ | ||
47 | 218 | "We Ski for Free" スキー場でリゾートするゾ |
"Uma Whoma?" 謎の美女とスキー教室だゾ | ||
"Fun at the Arcade" スキーの後でも遊んじゃうゾ | ||
48 | 248 | "No Train in the Rain" 台風の中でも出勤だゾ |
"There's a Stranger at the Door" アンケートにご協力するゾ | ||
"The Lovebirds Move In" ミッチーとヨシリンが来たゾ | ||
49 | 233 | "What's the Massager For?" 電気マッサージ機で遊ぶゾ |
"Miss Dori Wants to Get Married" よしなが先生の恋の破局?だゾ | ||
"Ricky Makes the Pass" 落ちこんだよしなが先生だゾ | ||
50 | 214c | "Dori's Boyfriend Has a Girlfriend" よしなが先生の恋の危機だゾ |
214a | "Daisy Starts Crawling" ひまわりのハイハイ特訓だゾ | |
214b | "I'm a Mentor Case" 迷子のめんどうを見るゾ | |
51 | 104b | "Buttman Saves the Day" 水泳大会がんばるゾ |
217b | "Hurricane Hannah" セクシーマリリン台風だゾ | |
217c | "Escape from Planet Kindygarten" 幼稚園から脱出するゾ | |
52 | 191 | "I'm a Ballerina" オラと母ちゃんのバレエだゾ |
"Quality Time with Dad" おねいさんと鬼ごっこだゾ | ||
"What's Up with Mom?" 母ちゃんが死んじゃうゾ? |
Phuuz dub [edit]
![]() | This section needs expansion. You can help by adding to it. (October 2016) |
This is a list of episodes dubbed in English by phuuz entertainment in 2003. 52 23-minute episodes (156 5 to 7-minute segments)[3] were dubbed by Phuuz with a different voice cast than Vitello used. Episodes with segments out of their original Japanese order are indicated by an additional segment number. Some titles of Phuuz episodes are only in French and German because of only 147 segments the English title is known.
English episode no. | Japanese episode no. | Name in English French |
53 | 117b | "We All Run Away!" "Opération fugue" |
117c | "I Can Talk to Babies!" "Je sais parler aux bébés" | |
117a | "Sharpie, the Tennis Menace!" "La terreur du tennis" | |
54 | 133 | "Shin-Chan, Graffiti Man!" "Shin Chan artiste de rue" |
"Mitsy Gets a Freebie!" "Pochettes surprises" | ||
"Dotty the Drop-Out!" "Révisions" | ||
55 | 128 | "We Have a New Year's Party!" "Bonne année" |
"My Holiday Ski Trip!" "Départ en vacances" | ||
"Lost in the Frost!" "Étoile des neiges" | ||
56 | 129 | "I'm a Hero!" "Mon fils, ce héros" |
"Max Gets Famous!" "Star d'un jour" | ||
"I Can Cook!" "Un bon goûter" | ||
57 | 59 | "Ices Is Nices!" "Le popoglace" |
"Lucky Gets a Shot!" "La piqûre" | ||
"We Go Camping!" "Camping en famille" | ||
58 | 62 | "I Go To The Gas Station!" "Le plein, s'il vous plaît" |
"Too Many Watermelons!" "L'invasion des pastèques" | ||
"More Fun With Watermelons!" "La tête comme une pastèque" | ||
59 | 76 | "I Eat Noodle Soup!" "Soupe à la grimace" |
"I Skate Great!" "Champion en herbe" | ||
"I Save a Marriage!" "SOS mariage en détresse" | ||
60 | 71 | "There's a New Chick at School!" "Les poussins" |
"It's Laundry Day!" "Jour de lessive" | ||
"Check Out the New Apartment!" "L'appartement de Kay" | ||
61 | 98 | "New Summer Clothes!" "Une garde-robe toute neuve" |
"Wanna Eat Meat!" "Le meilleur morceau" | ||
"A Day at the Races!" "Le champ de course" | ||
62 | 73a | "Mom's a Teen Queen!" "Mitsy, reine du lycée" |
73b | "I Play House with Miss Grouse!" "Et si on jouait au papa et à la maman" | |
77b | "Uma's Dinner with Andre!" "La demande en mariage" | |
63 | 88b | "I Race with Ace!" "La course de tricycles" |
88c | "It's a Pig-Out!" "Le grand soir" | |
77a | "I Bake Cookies!" "L'apprenti chef cuisinier" | |
64 | 72 | "I Get a Babysitter!" "La babysitter" |
"A Picnic Barbecue!" "Le barbecue de l'école" | ||
"Pop's Pooped!" "Papa est raplapla" | ||
65 | 63a | "Tea for Three!" "Un tête à tête à trois" |
63b | "Sumo Whomo!" "Bravo sumo!" | |
65a | "Hurricane Bruce!" "L'ouragan Bruce" | |
66 | 65c | "I Play Dodgeball!" "Balle-chasseur" |
69b | "We Get Ready for the Fleamarket!" "Que de souvenirs" | |
69c | "We Go to the Fleamarket!" "Le marché aux puces" | |
67 | 123c | "Mom's Part-Time Job!" "Travail à temps partiel" |
92b | "Mom's Got a Girlfriend!" "Maman a une amie" | |
92c | "I Make Soup!" "Je fais de la soupe" | |
68 | 215c | "Baby Buggy Bug-Out!" "La pouss'mobile défie tout le monde" |
215b | "It's Too Cool for School!" "Il fait trop froid pour aller à l'école" | |
215a | "A Much Better Mom!" "Un petit déjeuner d'enfer" | |
69 | 205a | "A Day with Daisy!" "Une journée avec Daisy" |
205c | "We Buy Diapers!" "La course aux couches" | |
123a | "I Play Hide and Seek!" "Partie de cache-cache" | |
70 | 211b | "Daisy Gets a Shot!" "La piqûre de Daisy" |
208a | "I Take Care of Mini-Mitz!" "Je prends bien soin de mini Mitz" | |
211c | "Babysitting with Dad!" "Papa fait la nounou" | |
71 | 79a | "I'm a Model!" "Enfant modèle" |
208c | "I Have My Own Bank Account!" "Un nouveau compte en banque" | |
79c | "I Stay Up for New Year's Eve!" "Le réveillon du nouvel an" | |
72 | 75a | "Mom Goes Praisin' Crazy!" "Maman perd la tête" |
84a | "I Hit the Jackpot!" "Je gagne à la loterie" | |
75c | "The Nasty Book Inspector!" "Un inspecteur à la librairie" | |
73 | 84c | "We Have a Snowball Fight!" "Bataille de boules de neige" |
170a | "We're All Sick!" "Tous malades" | |
171a | "Uma's Gonna Quit!" "Uma démissionne" | |
74 | 163 | "The Crane, the Penguin, and the Little Brown-Nose!" "La grue, le manchot et le lèche-bottes" |
"Killer Noodles!" "Les pâtes tueuses" | ||
"The Rain's a Pain!" "La pluie, ça mouille!" | ||
75 | 207 | "I Run Away with Lucky!" "Si c'est ça, je m'en vais" |
"Pottery Whattery!" "Vive la poterie" | ||
"Mom Goes Bargain Card Cuckoo!" "La bonne cliente" | ||
76 | 209 | "Dueling Grampas!" "La guerre des grands-mères" |
"A Double Gramps Day!" "Waldo contre-attaque" | ||
"Boss-Man Shin Chan!" "Qui c'est le patron?" | ||
77 | 107 | "Kindergarten Camp-Out!" "Vive le camping" |
"Ghosts in the Woods!" "Qui a peur des fantômes?" | ||
"A Lotta Yellin' Over Melon!" "Le melon de la discorde" | ||
78 | 118 | "We Got a Fax Machine!" "Le fax" |
"I Hassle Tubasso!" "Le maître et l'élève" | ||
"I Broke My Leg!" "Un gros bobo" | ||
79 | 173 | "Mom's Graduation Party!" "La remise des diplômes" |
"The Heater's Broke!" "La panne de chauffage" | ||
"Dad Gets a New Suit!" "Papa veut un nouveau costume" | ||
80 | 228 | "I Missed the Bus Again!" "J'ai encore raté le bus" |
"We're All Late!" "Panne de réveil" | ||
"Goin' Crazy with Daisy!" "Daisy fait des siennes" | ||
81 | 161c | "Mom Learns to Golf!" "La leçon de golf" |
161a | "I'm in the Peewee Olympics!" "Les olympiades" | |
172a | "I'm Tired of Tofu!" "Overdose de tofu" | |
82 | 177a | "Miss Bono Comes for Lunch!" "Mademoiselle Bono vient manger à la maison" |
195b | "Dori's Got a Dinner Date!" "Le rendez-vous de Dori" | |
195c | "Dad Sees the Dentist!" "Papa va chez le dentiste" | |
83 | 261a | "I Run an Errand!" "Je dois poster une lettre" |
261c | "Gimme Them Donuts!" "Je veux des beignets" | |
262a | "Daisy Gets a Haircut!" "La coupe de cheveux" | |
84 | 78 | "I Knit a Sweater!" "Maman tricote" |
"Ridin' the Rush-Hour Train!" "En route pour le bureau" | ||
"I Go to Work with Dad!" "Je vais travailler avec papa" | ||
85 | 138 | "I Find a Snake!" "Shin Chan a trouvé un serpent" |
"We Stay at a Hotel!" "On va dormir à l'hôtel" | ||
"A Day at Rancho Muchacho!" "Une journée à Muchacholand" | ||
86 | 177b | "We Go Rollerblading!" "Shin apprend à patiner" |
177c | "Rollerblading with the Gang!" "La guerre des patins" | |
262b | "We Go to the Thrift Store!" "Les vieux vêtements" | |
87 | 242a | "Tickets for the Train!" "Les billets de train" |
242b | "We Take a Train Trip!" "Le grand départ" | |
262c | "We Give a Party!" "La fête à la maison" | |
88 | 165c | "Mitsy's Mis-steak!" "Une histoire de steak" |
166a | "Shinny Baba and the Thieves!" "Shinny et les quarante voleurs" | |
166c | "Fixing Up Lucky's House!" "Je répare la niche de Lucky" | |
89 | 169b | "I Work at the Bookstore!" "Shin Chan travaille à la librairie" |
169c | "Mom's Secret Cash Stash!" "Le magot de Daisy" | |
178a | "I'm Going to Miss Bono's!" "L'invitation" | |
90 | 178c | "I Find a Lost Dog!" "Chien perdu" |
192b | "I Want an Autograph!" "L'autographe" | |
192c | "I Learn CPR!" "La leçon de secourisme" | |
91 | 287a | "Superstar Daisy!" "Daisy superstar" |
288c | "The Incredible Toenail Roller!" "Le rouleau magique" | |
289c | "Dad's Tape Trouble!" "La vidéo interdite" | |
92 | 286b | "The Case of the Strawberry Shortcake!" "Qui a tué le gâteau à la fraise?" |
286c | "Mom's Locked Out!" "Ma journée sur le balcon" | |
284c | "The Air Conditioner's Broken!" "Panne de climatisation" | |
93 | 299a | "Plaque's Back!" "Plaque attaque" |
299c | "I Go to the Car Wash!" "Papa va laver la voiture" | |
284b | "Brain Freeze!" "Le festival de glace pilée" | |
94 | 295a | "Bo Wins a Prize!" "Premier prix de dessin" |
296a | "I Got a Magic Thermos!" "Le thermos magique" | |
296c | "I'm a Cat-Sitter!" "Le persan" | |
95 | 291a | "We Play Airplane!" "Et si on jouait à l'avion?" |
293c | "I Dig Potatoes!" "Le ramassage des patates" | |
294b | "Cosmo Loves Hinky Pinky!" "Cosmo aime Rose Glucose" | |
96 | 302a | "Hangin' with Daisy!" "Daisy ma petite sœur chérie" |
302b | "Our Rocks Rock!" "Les cailloux" | |
303a | "Uma Digs the Bone-Man!" "Y'a comme un os" | |
97 | 303b | "Killer Angel vs. Babezilla!" "Killer Angel contre Babezilla" |
304b | "Cosmo's Best Buddies!" "La bande à Cosmo" | |
304c | "Assault and Batteries!" "Panne de pile" | |
98 | 305b | "Breakin' the Ice!" "Briser la glace" |
306b | "Girl Gang in Disguise!" "Le gang se déguise" | |
310a | "Daisy's Secret Stash!" "Une super cachette" | |
99 | 313a | "Me and My Posse!" "Shin le barbare" |
314a | "I Feel Pretty!" "Cure de beauté" | |
317b | "The Cupid-Killer Curse!" "Le parc maudit" | |
100 | 318a | ? "Grand-père joue les jolis cœurs" |
319b | ? "Beau comme Cosmo" | |
319c | ? "Shin Chan dans l'espace" | |
101 | 320b | ? "Le cadeau" |
320c | ? "Chien méchant" | |
323b | ? "Mademoiselle Agnès a le vertige" | |
102 | 333a | "I'm Dumpin' Daisy!" "Miss catastrophe" |
333b | "Superdog Lucky!" "Lucky sauveteur" | |
334b | "Daisy Goes to Kindygarten!" "Daisy à la maternelle" | |
103 | 337b | ? "L'université des filles" |
336a | ? "Ma première voiture" | |
338b | ? "Fan de Debbie" | |
104 | 339a 340b | "Stuck-Up Sally!" "La petite nouvelle" |
339b | "Max loves Sally!" "Quand Max rencontre Sally" | |
342b | "I Fight a Love Duel!" "Le duel" |
Korean-made dub [edit]
12 segments of episodes were dubbed in English in South Korea and released on learn English VCDs and DVDs.[4] [5]
Japanese episode no. | Name in English Korean |
128c | "The ski trip trouble" 스키장 대소동 |
129c | "Rice cakes are yummy" 티슈로 장난하면안돼요 |
130c | "Jjang gu has a cold" 짱구가 감기에 걸렸어요 |
131a | "Girl friends are too hard" 여자친구는 어려워 |
131b | "Women pro-wrestling match" 티슈로 장난하면안돼요 |
131c | "Let's clean snow!" 눈을치우자 |
133b | "Let's go buy a purse" 복주머니 사러가자 |
133c | "Good luck on the test" 수험생에게 용기를 |
134a | "Don't use tissues for fun" 티슈로 장난하면안돼요 |
136a | "Eating with manners!" 식사예절은 어려워 |
136b | "Please sign the book" 아줌마 서명해 주세요 |
142a | "Mom, the model driver!" 엄마는 모범운전사 |
Funimation dub [edit]
Note: Due to Adult Swim losing the broadcasting rights to Shin Chan, this season is only available on Hulu, FunimationNow and on DVD. The first 13 episodes were released on July 26, 2011, and the second half on September 27, 2011.
LUK Internacional dub [edit]
English volume | English episode no. | Japanese episode no. | Name in English Japanese (Kanji) (Rōmaji) |
1 | 8 | SPECIAL 18c | "Hey, Himawari Is a Princess!" パフィーも出るの?ひまわりのかぐや姫だゾ (Pafī mo deru no? Himawari no kaguyahime dazo) |
SPECIAL 18d | "Hey, It's Mommy's First Gray Hair!" 母ちゃんにシラガ発見だゾ (Kāchan ni shiraga hakken dazo) | ||
SPECIAL 18f | "Hey, Michi and Yoshirin Are Moving!" ミッチーヨシリンの引越しだゾ (Mitchīyoshirin no hikkoshi dazo) | ||
1 | 10 | SPECIAL 19a | "Hey, We're Off to Hawaii! (part 1)" 家族みんなでハワイ旅行だゾ 第一章 大当たり (Kazoku min'nade Hawai ryokō dazo daiisshō ōatari) |
SPECIAL 19b | "Hey, We're Off to Hawaii! (part 2)" 家族みんなでハワイ旅行だゾ 第二章 出発 (Kazoku min'nade Hawai ryokō dazo dainishō shuppatsu) | ||
SPECIAL 19c | "Hey, We're Off to Hawaii! (part 3)" 家族みんなでハワイ旅行だゾ 第三章 巡り合い (Kazoku min'nade Hawai ryokō dazo daisanshō meguriai) | ||
2 | 1 | SPECIAL 14c | "Hey, the Baby is Coming!" 赤ちゃんが生まれそうだゾ (Akachan ga umare-sō dazo) |
SPECIAL 14d | "Hey, the Baby's Here!" 赤ちゃんが生まれるゾ (Akachan ga umareru zo) | ||
SPECIAL 14e | "Hey, the Baby Girl is Born!" 赤ちゃんが生まれたゾ (Akachan ga umareta zo) | ||
2 | 2 | SPECIAL 15b | "Hey, I Know a Cooking Genius!" 少年鉄人と料理対決だゾ (Shōnen tetsujin to ryōri taiketsu dazo) |
SPECIAL 15d | "Hey, It's Time for a Major Cleanup!" みんなで大そうじだゾ (Min'na de ōsōji dazo) | ||
SPECIAL 15f | "Hey, Looking Back at the Past Year!" 今年一年のふりかえりだゾ (Kotoshiichinen no furikaeri dazo) | ||
2 | 3 | SPECIAL 15a | "Hey, Detective Nohara Comes into Action!" 野原刑事の事件簿だゾ (Nohara keijinojikenbo dazo) |
SPECIAL 15c | "Hey, Detective Nohara Comes into Action! 2" 野原刑事の事件簿2だゾ (Nohara keijinojikenbo 2 dazo) | ||
SPECIAL 15e | "Hey, Detective Nohara Comes into Action! 3" 野原刑事の事件簿3だゾ (Nohara keijinojikenbo 3 dazo) | ||
2 | 4 | SPECIAL 16a | "Hey, Meet the Shinchan-Terminator!" SF殺人サイボーグだゾ (SF satsujin saibōgu dazo) |
SPECIAL 16e | "Hey, It's New Year With the Matsuzaka Sisters!" まつざか3姉妹のお正月だゾ (Matsu zaka 3 shimai no oshōgatsu dazo) | ||
2 | 5 | SPECIAL 16b | "Hey, It's Time for New Year's Holidays With the Family!" 全員集合のお正月だゾ (Zen'in shūgō no oshōgatsu dazo) |
SPECIAL 16c | "Hey, This Game... Is True To Life!" すごろく勝負で盛り上がるゾ (Sugo ro ku shōbu de moriagaru zo) | ||
SPECIAL 16d | "Hey, I'm Going Shopping with My Grandpas!" 福袋を買いに行くゾ (Fukubukuro o kai ni iku zo) | ||
2 | 6 | SPECIAL 17a | "Hey, Here Are the Happy Prince and Shinnosuke, the Swallow!" 幸せ王子とツバメのしんちゃんだゾ (Shiawase ōji to tsubame no Shin-chan dazo) |
SPECIAL 17c | "Hey, My Sister is a Little Rascal!" いたずらヒマリンだゾ (Itazura himarin dazo) | ||
SPECIAL 17d | "Hey, A Husband for Nene!" ネネちゃんのおムコ選びだゾ (Nene-chan no o Muko erabi dazo) | ||
3 | 7 | SPECIAL 9d | "Hey, Whitey Gets Drunk!" 酔っぱらいシロだゾ (Yopparai shiro dazo) |
SPECIAL 17b | "Hey, We're Going on a Picnic!" お花見に出かけるゾ (O hanami ni dekakeru zo) | ||
SPECIAL 18-7 | "Hey, This is the Friendship Relay!" 友情のリレーだゾ (Yūjō no rirē dazo) | ||
3 | 9 | SPECIAL 18a SPECIAL 18e SPECIAL 18-8 | "Shin chan Wars!" クレヨンウォーズ (Kureyon'u~ōzu) |
3 | 11 | SPECIAL 19d | "Hey, We're Off to Hawaii! (part 4)" 家族みんなでハワイ旅行だゾ 第四章 フラダンス (Kazoku min'nade Hawai ryokō dazo daiyonshō furadansu) |
SPECIAL 19e | "Hey, We're Off to Hawaii! (part 5)" 家族みんなでハワイ旅行だゾ 第五章 恋心 (Kazoku min'nade Hawai ryokō dazo daigoshō koigokoro) | ||
SPECIAL 19f | "Hey, We're Off to Hawaii! (part 6)" 家族みんなでハワイ旅行だゾ 第六章 さ・よ・な・ら (Kazoku min'nade Hawai ryokō dazo dairokushō-sa yona-ra) | ||
3 | 12 | SPECIAL 20b | "Hey, Mom and Dad Were Once Teenagers Too!" 青春時代の父ちゃん母ちゃんだゾ (Seishun jidai no tōchan kāchan dazo) |
SPECIAL 23b | "Hey, Statues are Grateful!" 石像の恩返しだゾ (Sekizō no ongaeshi dazo) | ||
3 | 13 | SPECIAL 20a | "Hey, We're the Three Little Pigs! 1" オラたち三匹の子豚だゾ (Ora-tachi sanbikinokobuta dazo) |
SPECIAL 20b | "Hey, We're the Three Little Pigs! 2" オラたち三匹の子豚だゾ (Ora-tachi sanbikinokobuta dazo) | ||
SPECIAL 21b | "Going to a Piano Recital" ピアノ発表会に行くゾ (Piano happyōkai ni iku zo) | ||
3 | 14 | SPECIAL 21d | "Hey, We're Going to a Summer House!" 別荘に行くゾ (Bessō ni iku zo) |
SPECIAL 22a | "Hey, I'm Swapping Places With Mommy!" 母ちゃんといれかわちゃったゾ (Haha chi ~yantoirekawachatta zo) | ||
SPECIAL 22a | "Hey, I'm Swapping Places With Mommy! 2" 母ちゃんといれかわちゃったゾ (Haha chi ~yantoirekawachatta zo) | ||
4 | 15 | SPECIAL 22c | "Hey, It's the Kasukabe Kids Detective Agency!" カスカベ少年探偵社だゾ (Kasukabe shōnen tantei-sha dazo) |
SPECIAL 22c | "Hey, It's the Kasukabe Kids Detective Agency! 2" カスカベ少年探偵社だゾ (Kasukabe shōnen tantei-sha dazo) | ||
SPECIAL 23b | "Hey, Beer is for Adults!" ビールは大人の味だゾ (Bīru wa otona no aji dazo) | ||
4 | 16 | SPECIAL 22b | "Hey, I'm Helping a Foreigner!" 外国人をお助けするゾ (Gaikoku hito o o tasuke suru zo) |
SPECIAL 22b | "Hey, I'm Helping a Foreigner! 2" 外国人をお助けするゾ (Gaikoku hito o o tasuke suru zo) | ||
SPECIAL 23c | "Hey, We're Stuck in Traffic!" 交通渋滞にまきこまれたゾ (Kōtsū jūtai ni makikoma reta zo) | ||
4 | 17 | SPECIAL 23d | "Hey, We Are the Chushingura! 1" クレヨン大忠臣蔵(桜の巻)(Kureyon dai Chūshingura (sakura no maki)) |
SPECIAL 23e | "Hey, We Are the Chushingura! 2" クレヨン大忠臣蔵(雪の巻 (Kureyon dai Chūshingura (yuki no maki)) | ||
4 | 18 | SPECIAL 24a | "Hey, Here's our story of Grandfather Cherry Blossom!" オラ的な花さかじいさんだゾ (Ora-tekina hanasakajīsan dazo) |
SPECIAL 24c | "Hey, We Want to Go to a Hot Spring!" 福引きで温泉に行きたいゾ (Fukubiki de onsen ni ikitai zo) | ||
SPECIAL 24d | "Hey, Daddy is Real Fussy About his Bath!" 温泉にこだわる父ちゃんだゾ (Onsen ni kodawaru tōchan dazo) | ||
4 | 19 | SPECIAL 24b | "Hey, Life Doesn't Always Go As Planned!" 人生は計画どおりにいかないゾ (Jinsei wa keikaku-dōri ni ikanai zo) |
SPECIAL 25a SPECIAL 25b | "Mary, the Mysterious Magician" ふしぎ魔女っ子マリーちゃん☆ (Fushigi majo-kko marī-chan ☆) "Hey, We Watch "Mary, the Magician" on TV!" | ||
4 | 20 | SPECIAL 25d | "Detective Nohara's Cases: A Star Under Threat" 野原刑事の事件簿 アイドル暗殺計画 (Nohara keijinojikenbo aidoru ansatsu keikaku) |
SPECIAL 25e | "Detective Nohara's Cases: Looking for the Murderers" 野原刑事の事件簿 暗殺団潜入捜査 (Nohara keijinojikenbo ansatsu-dan sen'nyū sōsa) | ||
5 | 21 | SPECIAL 25c | "Hey, I want a Gold Medal!" 金メダルをもらうゾ (Kinmedaru o morau zo) |
SPECIAL 27a | "Treasure Hunter Misae" トレジャーハンターみさえ (Torejāhantā Misae) | ||
SPECIAL 27a | "Treasure Hunter Misae" トレジャーハンターみさえ (Torejāhantā Misae) | ||
5 | 22 | SPECIAL 10a | "(Shin Chan Special) Hey, I Play Taxi Driver" タクシーごっこするゾ (Takushī-gokko suru zo) |
SPECIAL 26a | "(The Adventures of Brave Pig) Gin Goldfinger" ぶりぶりざえもんの冒険 ゴールドフィンガー銀ちゃん (Buriburi zaemon no bōken gōrudofingā gin-chan) | ||
SPECIAL 26a | "(The Adventures of Brave Pig) Gin Goldfinger 2" ぶりぶりざえもんの冒険 ゴールドフィンガー銀ちゃん (Buriburi zaemon no bōken gōrudofingā gin-chan) | ||
5 | 23 | 372 | "Hey, We're Having fun in Australia! 1" オーストラリアは盛り上がるゾ (Ōsutoraria wa moriagaru zo) |
372 | "Hey, We're Having fun in Australia! 2" オーストラリアは盛り上がるゾ (Ōsutoraria wa moriagaru zo) | ||
372 | "Hey, We're Having fun in Australia! 3" オーストラリアは盛り上がるゾ (Ōsutoraria wa moriagaru zo) | ||
391b | "Hey, Himawari Has a Crush On Kazama!" 風間くんはひまわりにモテモテだゾ (Kazama-kun wa himawari ni motemote dazo) | ||
5 | 24 | 373 | "Hey, We're Still in Australia! 1" オラ達もオーストラリアだゾ (Ora-tachi mo ōsutoraria dazo) |
373 | "Hey, We're Still in Australia! 2" オラ達もオーストラリアだゾ (Ora-tachi mo ōsutoraria dazo) | ||
373 | "Hey, We're Still in Australia! 3" オラ達もオーストラリアだゾ (Ora-tachi mo ōsutoraria dazo) | ||
374a | "Futaba's Angels" フタバエンジェル (Futabaenjeru) | ||
5 | 25 | 374b | "Hey, I Want an Allowance!" おこづかいをもらいたいゾ (O kodzukai o moraitai zo) |
374c | "Hey, Daddy Wants an Allowance Too!" 父ちゃんもおこづかいが欲しいゾ (Tōchan mo o kodzukai ga hoshī zo) | ||
376b | "Hey, Mommy Wants an Electric Bicycle!" 電動自転車が欲しいゾ (Dendō jitensha ga hoshī zo) | ||
5 | 26 | 375 | "Hey, We're Going on a Picnic! 1" 素敵なピクニックにお出かけだゾ (Sutekina pikunikku ni odekake dazo) |
375 | "Hey, We're Going on a Picnic! 2" 素敵なピクニックにお出かけだゾ (Sutekina pikunikku ni odekake dazo) | ||
375 | "Hey, We're Going on a Picnic! 3" 素敵なピクニックにお出かけだゾ (Sutekina pikunikku ni odekake dazo) | ||
376a | "Hey, We're a Lazy Bunch!" オラ達ナマケモノだゾ (Ora-tachi namakemono dazo) |
Theme songs [edit]
Openings [edit]
- "Dōbutsuen wa Taihen da" ( 動物園は大変だ , "The Zoo is a Nightmare")
Lyricist: Yoshito Usui / Composer: Tetsurō Oda / Arranger: Masao Akashi / Singers: TUNE'S
Episode Range: 1–21 - "Yume no END wa Itsumo Mezamashi!" ( 夢のENDはいつも目覚まし! , "The End of a Dream is Always an Eye-Opener!")
Lyricist: Daiko Nagato / Composer: Tetsurō Oda / Arranger: Takeshi Hayama / Singers: B.B.Queens
Episode Range: 22–57 - "Ora wa Ninki Mono" ( オラはにんきもの , "I am Super Popular")
Lyricist: Reo Rinozuka / Composer: Yasuo Kosugi / Arranger: Michiaki Kato / Singer: Shinnosuke Nohara (Akiko Yajima) and Misae Nohara (Miki Narahashi)
Episode Range: SPECIAL 3–161 - "Pakappo de GO!" ( パカッポでGO! , "Let's Go With Pakappo!")
Lyricist: Poem-dan / Composer/Arranger: Takashi Kimura / Singer: Shinnosuke Nohara (Akiko Yajima)
Episode Range: 162–SPECIAL 13 - "Nenjū Muchū 'I want you'" ( 年中夢中"I want you" , "All Year Through Crazy For You - 'I Want You'")
Lyricist: C's / Composer/Arranger: Satoru Sugawara / Singer: Puppy
Episode Range: 203–SPECIAL 20 - "Tobe Tobe Oneisan" ( とべとべ おねいさん , "Fly Fly Ladies")
Lyricist/Arranger/Composer: motsu / Singers: Shinnosuke Nohara (Akiko Yajima) and Action Mask (Tesshō Genda)
Episode Range: 270–352 - "Dame Dame no Uta" ( ダメダメのうた , "The Song of No's")
Lyricist/Composer: LADY Q / Arranger: Toshiya Mori / Singers: LADY Q and Shinnosuke Nohara (Akiko Yajima) and Misae Nohara (Miki Narahashi)
Episode Range: 353–458 - "PLEASURE"
Lyricist: Chihiro Kurosu / Composer: Kaori Hosoi / Arranger: Nobuyuki Shimizu / Singer: Tomomi Kahala
Episode Range: 459–SPECIAL 43 - "Yuruyuru de DE-O!" ( ユルユルで DE-O! , "Leisurely De-O!")
Lyricist: Yuji Muto / Composer/Arranger: Yasunari Nakamura / Singer: Shinnosuke Nohara (Akiko Yajima)
Episode Range: 509–594, 604–681 - "Yuruyuru de DE-O! Crayon Friends 2007 Version" ( ユルユルで DE-O! 2007クレヨンフレンズVersion , Yuruyuru de DE-O! 2007 Kureyon Furenzu Version )
Lyricist: Yuji Muto / Composer: Yasunari Nakamura / Arranger: Takafumi Iwasaki / Singer: Shinnosuke Nohara (Akiko Yajima) and Crayon Friends from AKB48
Episode Range: 595–603 - "Hapi Hapi" ( ハピハピ )
Singer: Becky♪♯
Episode Range: 682–708 - "HEY BABY"
Singer: Kumi Koda
Episode Range: 709–724 - "T.W.L."
Singer: Kanjani Eight
Episode Range: 725–747 - Kibou Sanmyaku (Hope Mountain Range)
Singer: Watarirouka Hashiritai 7
Episode Range: 748–SPECIAL 64 - Kimi ni 100 Percent
Singer: Kyary Pamyu Pamyu
Episode Range: 784–937, 943– - "Ora wa Ninki Mono - 25th MIX -" ( オラはにんきもの - 25th MIX - , "I am Super Popular - 25th MIX -")
Singer: Shinnosuke Nohara (Akiko Yajima) and Misae Nohara (Miki Narahashi)
Episode Range: 938-942
Endings [edit]
- "Uta wo Utaō" ( うたをうたおう , "Sing a Song")
Lyricist/Composer: Toshiyuki Arakawa / Arrangers/Singers: Daiji MAN Brothers Band
Episode Range: 1–21 - "Sunao ni Naritai" ( 素直になりたい , "I Want to be Honest")
Lyricist/Composer/Singer: Hiromi Yonemura / Arranger: Itaru Watanabe
Episode Range: 22–57 - "DO-shite" ( DO-して , "Why?")
Lyricist: Yui Nishiwaki / Composer: Hideo Saito / Arranger: Hiroshi Shinkawa / Singers: Sakurakko Club Sakura Gumi
Episode Range: SPECIAL 3–99 - "Shin-chan Ondo" ( しんちゃん音頭 , Shinchan Ondo )
Lyricist: Moichi Kato / Composers/Arrangers: Ozutairiku and Yasuhiko Hoshino / Singers: Yuko and Shinnosuke Nohara (Akiko Yajima)
Episode Range: 100–112 - "Parijona Daisakusen" ( パリジョナ大作戦 , "Party Join Us Daisakusen")
Lyricist: Marron Koshaku / Composer/Arranger: Takashi Kimura / Singers: Marron Koshaku and Shinnosuke Nohara (Akiko Yajima)
Episode Range: 113–161 - "REGGAE"
Lyricist/Singer: KOTONE / Composers: KEISUKE and Yoichi Yamazaki / Arranger: Yuzo Hayashi
Episode Range: 162–192 - "Shinchan Ondo ~Ora to Issho ni Odorou yo!~" ( しんちゃん音頭~オラといっしょにおどろうよ!~ , "Shin-chan Ondo ~Dance With Me!~")
Lyricist: Moichi Kato / Composers: Ozutairiku and Yasuhiko Hoshino / Arrangers: Daisaku Kume and Kiyohiko Semba / Singers: Haruo Minami and Shinnosuke Nohara (Akiko Yajima)
Episode Range: 193–SPECIAL 13 - "BOYS BE BRAVE ~Shōnen yo Yūki o Mote~" ( BOYS BE BRAVE~少年よ勇気を持て~ , "Boys Be Brave")
Lyricists: Aki Okui and Lemon Saito / Composer/Singer: Aki Okui / Arranger: Akitoshi Onodera
Episode Range: 203–SPECIAL 17 - "Tsukiakari Funwari Ochitekuru Yoru" ( 月灯りふんわり落ちてくる夜 , "The Night of Gently Falling Moonlight")
Lyricist/Composer/Arranger: RYUZI / Singer: Nanase Ogawa
Episode Range: 249–297 - "Sukisuki My Girl" ( スキスキ♡マイガール , Sukisuki ♡ Mai Gāru , "I Love My Girl")
Lyricist/Composer: KAORU / Arrangers: Tsuyoshi Yamanaka and L'luvia / Singers: L'luvia
Episode Range: 298–352 - "Kyō wa Date" ( 今日はデート , Kyō wa Dēto , "Today I've Got a Date")
Lyricist/Composer: Ke-chan / Singer: Kamaboko
Episode Range: 353–397 - "Zentaiteki ni Daisuki desu." ( 全体的に大好きです。 , "I Love All of You.")
Lyricist/Composer: Tsunku / Arrangers: Yuichi Takahashi and Tsunku / Singers: Sheki-Dol
Episode Range: 398–SPECIAL 33 - "Mama to no Oyakusoku Jōkō no Uta" ( ママとのお約束条項の歌 , "The Song of My Contract with My Mother")
Lyricists: Yoshito Usui and Yuri Asada / Composer: Yasuo Kosugi / Arranger: Hideo Saito / Singers: Shinnosuke Nohara (Akiko Yajima) and Misae Nohara (Miki Narahashi)
Episode Range: 452–SPECIAL 38・SPECIAL 43 - "Ari no Uta" ( ありの歌 , "The Ant Song")
Lyricist/Composer: Rio / Arranger: Papa Daisuke / Singers: Yanawarabaa
Episode Range: 509–SPECIAL 46 - ( ぶりぶりざえもんのえかきうた , "Buriburizaemon's Drawing Song")
Episode Range: 938–942
Vitello and Phuuz dubs [edit]
Opening [edit]
- "Say hey! HEY! Shin-chan"
Closing [edit]
- Say hey! HEY! Shin-chan" Instrumental
Funimation dub [edit]
Opening [edit]
- "Shin-chan Theme"
Shortened version of the third opening theme.
Closing [edit]
- "Party Join Us"
Singer: Brina Palencia
Originally the fifth ending theme.
LUK Internacional dub [edit]
Opening [edit]
- Footage from Japanese opening 8 ("PLEASURE") but with completely different lyrics, to the melody of a techno remix of Japanese opening 3 ("Ora wa Ninkimono").
Musical Director, Producer and English Director: World Worm Studios composer Gary Gibbons
Closing [edit]
- Footage from Japanese ending 3 ("DO-shite") and at the end (only in the first 11 episodes) Japanese opening 9 ("Yuruyuru de DE-O!") but with completely different lyrics to the melody of "DO-shite".
Musical Director, Producer and English Director: World Worm Studios composer Gary Gibbons
Spin-offs [edit]
- Crayon Shin-chan Gaiden
- Kamen Rider Den-O + Shin-O
- Super Shiro
References [edit]
- ^ Standard Chinese, Cantonese, Danish, English, Dutch, German, Greek, French, Italian, European Portuguese, Brazilian Portuguese, European Spanish, Latin American Spanish, Galician, Catalan, Valencian, Basque, Polish, Sichuanese, Korean, Hindi, Hebrew, Tamil, Telugu, Tagalog, Indonesian, Malay, Khmer, Thai and Vietnamese
- ^ "tv asahi|テレビ朝日" (PDF). Retrieved 2018-09-16 .
- ^ Based on the German dub episodes and the French dub episodes that were used from the Vitello/Phuuz English dubs as source. 52 episodes are known to have been dubbed into Dutch, Latin American Spanish, and Brazilian Portuguese, but most lack titles. Episodes from this range have also been found in European Portuguese.
- ^ "경남어린이영상문화관". . Retrieved 2 October 2018.
- ^ "짱구의 영어공부 - 인터넷교보문고". . Retrieved 2 October 2018.
- ^ a b c d "Shin Chan - Episode Guide". . Retrieved 2 October 2018.
- ^ [1] [ dead link ]
- ^ " Shin chan Season 2: Amazon Digital Services LLC". . Retrieved 2 October 2018.