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How to Upload Cnavas Course Into Moodle

This page contains basic instructions for importing content into an existing Canvass course. The content can be from another Canvas course, a Moodle or Blackboard course annal, a SCORM package, or a QTI quiz file.

Copy/Import a Canvass Course

Import content from another Canvas course into the current one easily.

  1. Open the current course (yous'll import into this course).
  2. On the class abode page, clickImport Existing Content on the right.
    Button to import existing content
  3. On the next page, choose Copy a Canvas Grade from the Content Type card, and and so locate and select the course that will be imported. The course list is arranged by term for easier identification.
    copy a canvas course and choose the course from your list of courses
  4. Select All content to import all the content into the current course.
  5. ClickImport to start the import.
    Select all content and click Import
    Note: choose "Select specific content" if you want to include only certain form items/activities/materials every bit part of the import. You will exist prompted to choose those items after clicking the Import push button.

When the import process is complete, your course materials are set to be used.

Import a Blackboard or Moodle archive

If you have a .zip annal of either a Blackboard or Moodle course, you tin can import that from the Import Existing Content folio.

  1. Open the current course (y'all'll import into this course).
  2. On the grade dwelling folio, clickImport Existing Content on the right.
  3. On the next page, selectBlackboard 6/vii/viii/9 orMoodle 1.9/2.10 every bit appropriate from the Content Type menu.
    Blackboard and Moodle import choices
  4. Select All content and click Import.

To view the imported content, click the Home link in the navigation menu. In both Blackboard and Moodle imports, Canvass volition change the form abode page to the Modules folio.

After the Import - Blackboard

Scroll downwards for Moodle import information

What Goes Where and What Do You lot End Upward With?

When importing a Blackboard course export package into a blank Sheet beat out, you tin look the following results. Please note that Sail is continually updating the Blackboard import process, and some of the issues reported beneath might not be present at the time of your conversion.

  1. Canvas course dwelling house page is ready to the Modules folio.
    Canvas makes the executive determination to use the Modules page as the form dwelling folio.  All Canvas courses need a "home page" and so Modules is the choice later a conversion.  You can change this later to ane of Canvas's other options, if desired.
  2. Bb Content Areas are converted to Sail modules.
    Every item in a Bb Content Surface area is converted into a respective Canvass type, if possible, and placed into the module created from the Bb Content Area:
    • Bb Items w/content >>> Canvass Pages (including fastened files)
    • Bb Items due west/o content + attached files >>> Canvass File in Canvas module
    • Bb Files >>> Canvas File in module
    • Bb Folder >>> Canvas module (minus any description)
      • Caveat: The "folder" organizational metaphor does not exist in Canvas. Nested folders in a Bb course are no longer nested in Canvas but instead appear at the same hierarchical level (mayhap indented visually) on the Canvas Modules page. Because it does not have "folders", Canvas does not support the metaphor wherein a user "drills downward" deeper to view content. The closest analogy is the module and all modules are present on the Modules page all the time.
  3. The layout of modules in Canvas volition reflect the heirarchical organization of the original Bb Content Area.
    • Case: if the first item in a Bb Content Area was a folder, then that folder and its contents (including whatever sub-folders and their contents) will now appear at the top of the new Canvas module. The adjacent particular in the Content Area will and so be processed by the import.
  4. Word forums are converted to Canvas Discussions, including the forum description.
    • Caveat: Forum grade settings are not converted and must be reset.
  5. Tests are converted to Canvas Quizzes
    • Caveat ane: Most but not all Bb question types have an equivalent in Sheet - due east.chiliad., Hot Spot is non available.
    • Caveat two: Test settings are not converted and must exist reset using Canvas'southward tools.
  6. Assignments are converted to Canvas Assignments
  7. Turnitin assignments are not converted.
    Turnitin assignments must be recreated equally Sail Assignments using the "External Submission" in the assignment settings.  Afterward that, Turnitin works the same in Canvass as it does in Bb.
  8. Journals, Blogs, and Wikis are not converted.
    • Ignored.  No content is brought over in the conversion.
    • Journals and Blogs can be recreated (more or less) using Canvas Discussions.
    • Wiki assignments can be recreated (more or less) using Canvas Pages
  9. LTI content, such as VoiceThread links, is not converted.
    LTI links are ignored by the Canvass import processor and must exist recreated using Canvass'southward equivalent tools. Only the link must be recreated, not the LTI content itself.
  10. Internal Bb "grade links" are ignored by the Canvass processor.

Things to Review and How to Fix Them Later Import

  1. Availability Dates for Assignments/ Discussions/ Quizzes do non import
    • Reset these things equally necessary
  2. Module Settings (Requirements / Availability Dates / Prerequisites) practice non import
    • Reset these things as necessary
  3. Nested Folders are sometimes split when importing into Sheet
    • Reorganize new Sheet modules to gauge nested folders arroyo, if desired
    • Create new Canvas pages for whatever binder clarification text that had been present in Bb
  4. Discussion "Form" settings usually do not import into Canvas
    • Reassign points in Canvas item
  5. Pages with multiple files just import i file
    • Check and relink whatever missing files from Canvas files silo. Sail does not "adhere" files separately from the Rich Content Editor.
  6. Files referenced in Pages do not preserve their "open up in…" setting.
    • Reattach/relink these files using Sheet'south native tools to restore expected "open up in…" behavior.
  7. Assignment point values may non exist imported
    • Review assignments to make sure point values are right
  8. Turnitin assignments do not import
    • Recreate TII assignments using regular Sheet consignment tool and gear up submission blazon to External URL >>> Turnitin Feedback Studio.
  9. SCORM Activities are omitted
    • Re-upload and link original .zip from SCORM product
  10. Grade Scale has not been prepare
  11. Multiple objects with the same proper noun are imported with a "-2" or "-iii" at the end
    • Rename objects if necessary
  12. Test descriptions and settings are not brought over upon import
    • If using modules, create a new Page to nowadays the clarification and link to the Quiz
    • Review quiz settings and reset if necessary
  13. Syllabus Page is empty
    • Create syllabus page if desired.
  14. LTI content is not gear up up
    • LTI content must be reconnected subsequently import (VoiceThread, etc.)
  15. Blackboard journals are left out of the import
    • Recreate these activities using the Canvas assignment tool or the Canvas give-and-take tool
  16. Blackboard blogs are left out of the import
    • Recreate these activities using the Sheet give-and-take tool or a third-party external tool
  17. Quiz questions are often broken
    • Embedded images and media clips inside of Quiz questions and answers demand to be replaced.
      • Media files should exist in Files silo; relink from there
    • Matching Questions need to be rebuilt
    • Formula Questions practice not have the right settings brought over
    • HotSpot questions are non able to be rebuilt inside of Canvas
    • Fill-in-The-Blank question types need to be rebuilt
    • Multiple Dropdowns are often cleaved

After the Import: Moodle

  1. Canvas sets the course abode folio to the Modules page
  2. Moodle module names are retained every bit Sheet module names just the clarification used in Moodle is converted into a Canvas folio and placed at the meridian of the Canvas module.
  3. Moodle forums are converted to Sheet discussions (no threads are created in the conversion)
  4. Moodle assignments are converted to Canvas assignments
  5. Moodle quizzes are converted to Canvass quizzes
  6. Moodle book resource are converted to Canvas pages (ane for each book folio)
  7. Moodle activities that lack a Canvas equivalent are ignored by the conversion (Database, Wiki, Glossary, Lesson, Questionnaire, Workshop, etc.)

Import a QTI quiz file

QTI is the common file format for quizzes in some LMSs, especially Blackboard and Canvass. Create a QTI .zip file by exporting your quiz out of the previous LMS. It's this .zip that will exist imported into the Canvas course.

  1. Open up the electric current form (this is the class you lot will import into).
  2. On the course dwelling folio, clickImport Existing Content on the right.
  3. On the next folio, select QTI .zip file from the Content Type carte du jour, and then locate the .zip file on your reckoner.
    Import a file
  4. Go out the "Default question banking concern" and other settings as-is and click Import.

Subsequently the Import

When the process finishes, the questions will be imported into a new question bank in the course that utilise the same proper noun equally the quiz.  Only the questions are imported, not any settings from the previous LMS such every bit due dates, time limit, etc. To employ the imported questions, create a new quiz and add the questions to it.

Need assist?

Contact for assist importing and converting previous class fabric to Sail.
